Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Closest Ally

I'm not the type that constantly posts sappy statuses on Facebook about my husband. Or if I do, I tack on some crude or sarcastic humor for good measure. ;) But I feel the need to give him some serious props for going through this latest journey with me.

When he found out I would have fertility issues (before getting married), he didn't panic or run the other way. He calmly told me that being with me was the most important thing. Anything else was just icing.

When the treatments put me in the hospital, he didn't panic. He took days off of work, never leaving my side. Unquestionably taking better care of me than a single nurse there. Remaining unfazed by my ballooning stature, the IVs in my arms, or the fluid leaking from my abdomen.

When we found out I was pregnant with not one, but two, he didn't panic. He did joke, "As long as it's not three." No question though, I started to panic at this point, and he kept me sane with his stillness.

When some blood work came back, showing that I was at a higher risk for one or both babies having a chromosomal disorder, he didn't panic. He just kept asking me how I was, what I wanted to do, and promising to be there with me no matter what happened. (I decided to not do any invasive testing, since my odds were still fairly low, and it didn't feel worth the risk of miscarrying both.)

And now, as the reality of the situation is slowly sinking in, he's not panicking. When I freak out thinking about how we're going to afford two of everything, from diapers to cribs, or how we'll manage our time with two little ones (which, you know, with a pregnant woman.. usually involves a serious crying session), he remains steadfast and reassuring. Always quick to say that he's willing to do whatever it takes to take care of his family.

So, to my husband, I am so lucky and grateful to have you by my side during this huge life shift. Every single day, I see women either trying to do it by themselves, or with much 'lesser' and unsupportive men. But you constantly surprise me -- always going above and beyond what I expect from you; without complaint. And every step, set-back or progress, we go through, I find myself falling even more in love with you.. somehow surprised that the amazing man I married is in fact more amazing than I ever anticipated. Your love for me, and now your future children, is inspiring. You have been my closest ally, and I can't wait to see you as a father. <3

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